Seasons of Change

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

October is an interesting month full of various changes.

Hurricanes seem to pick up on the Atlantic coast, on the West coast temperatures fluctuate between the cold that's coming and the heat that we're trying to push out the door.  WE don't really experience Fall in San Diego anyway.  There aren't any major holidays, so work and school continue on with their normal schedules.  There's an eagerness to put the summer behind us and excitement for fall and winter weather ahead.  The Life Church is experiencing similar seasons of change.  The lord has blessed us with a space to meet and have serve.  We've seen people pray through at the altar and God answer prayers.  Yet is also seem we are in a season of sickness.  Many have dealt with various issues over the past few months.  And other have experienced hardship at home, work, or even school.  Indeed there is a season of change.


Regardless of the season you find yourself in today, remember the Malachi 3:6 :For I am the lord, i change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."  Life may be changing around us but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  As you experience change in the day, weeks, and months to come, rest assured knowing that God is able to see and carr you through all of it.

Stay encouraged, stay bless, and stay well.


Brother Stephen Walker