Seeking direction from God


God speaks to His children is many different ways. There are times when we go to God in prayer and as we are praying God places thoughts in our minds that answer our prayers right then and there. Then there are times when we are just going about our normal day-to-day routine and He places those thoughts in our minds. There times when some people will hear the audible voice of God although those times are rare. Then there are other times when God chooses to take His interaction with us in a different direction. Here I’m referring to dreams and visions. Both of these occur frequently in the Bible as instruments of supernatural revelation. In Scripture, a vision is a revelation from God; an appearance or exhibition of something supernaturally presented to mankind, in both the Old and New Testaments. In other words, it was a means of communication between a God and mankind.

Today, God still speaks to His children while we pray, in dreams and visions, and in many other ways. If we will take the time to listen, we will hear Him speak. If we are sensitive to the Holy Ghost, God will speak to us. It may not happen every time we pray, but He will speak if we will listen. Then there are those times when God will choose to speak to us in our dreams and visions. Some of those can and will be categorized as revelatory, some will give direction, some will just encourage, then sometimes God will give them to us so that we just have something to hold on to in order to increase our faith. Remember, dreams only happen while we sleep, whereas visions can come to us at any time of day or night. No matter which of these you experience, you will never forget the experience. The overwhelming power of the Holy Ghost just won’t let you forget. If you don’t believe me, search out those in this church (and there are quite a few) that have experienced these amazing encounters with the Lord. Don’t be surprised if you aren’t moved and encouraged just like they were.

The point here is that God will speak to us If we take the time to pray and I mean pray sincerely, and take the time to listen. There is no one better to talk to than our God. When we make it a priority every day to spend some time with Him in prayer, He will answer. His Word says He is as close as the mention of His name. It may be in that still small voice while praying, it might be one of those times that He will visit you in your dreams, or maybe He’ll open your spiritual eyes and show you what may lie ahead in a vision. Whatever the way God chooses to speak to us, the important thing to remember is that He will speak if we will listen.

As we begin this new year, let’s all make it a priority to spend more time talking with the Lord. There is no one better to seek direction from. It will make you grow in Him. You will never regret that little bit of extra time you spend in a conversation with the Lord.

God Bless,

Brother Parsons